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The geographical location of Egypt

Located Republic Egypt Arabic astronomically between linear Latitude 22 and 32° North Line istiwa, And between linear Longitude 24° and 37° E Line GMT.

the border Geographical :

Located Egypt in the corner Northern eastern from continent Africa, And she has extension Asian . And limit Republic Egypt Arabic from North the sea average by the coast inform its length is 995 km, and bounded eastward the sea the Red by the coast inform its length is 1941 km, and bounded in North eastern Palestine And Israel 265 km long , and bounded from the West Libya on extension Line 1115 km long , as bordered south Sudan 1280 km long .

Area :

inform space Republic Egypt Arabic About 1,002,000 kilos meter Square and space inhabited It amounts to 78,990 km2 , or 7.8% of the total area space college .

1-Terrain :

divided Terrain Republic Egypt Arabic to four Sections Main: Wadi Nile And the delta : poses valley Nile and delta less from 4% of space the college for the country any About 33,000 km2 . And it starts valley Nile south from north valley alliance until the sea average And it splits to Egypt Upper ( level ) of alliance to south Cairo, And Egypt lower ( delta Nile ) from north Cairo to the sea average . And it extends river Nile from the border Egyptian south to misbeh in the sea average north With a length of 1532 kilometers Almost .. and branch out Nile north Cairo to two branches two main They branch Damietta and branch Rashid who confine between them triangle delta that Prepare from fertilize lands agricultural .

2-the desert Western :

– inform space the desert western about 680 thousand kilometer Square by 68% of space Egypt Almost . Which stretch from valley Nile in the East until the border Libyan in the West And from the sea average north to the border Egyptian Southern , And divided To : – oath North: It includes easy coastal and plateau North and area depressions Great that includes oasis Siwa and low dropper And a valley natron and oases Navy – oath Southern : includes oases Farafra And out and Dakhla And in Maximum the South oasis Owainat .

3-the desert Eastern :

inform its area About 225,000 km meter Square any by 28% of space Egypt include Same island Sinai .. and extend between valley Nile west And the sea the Red and bay Suez And channel Suez eastward And from lake status on the sea average north until border Egypt with Sudan South .. and distinguished the desert Eastern By the presence of heights mountainous that overlook on the sea the Red and up its height to About 3,000 feet above Surface the sea And consider This is amazing the desert As stock resources natural Egyptian from ores minerals different as gold and charcoal And oil .

4-Same island Sinai :

inform its area About 61,000 kilos meter Square any about 6% of space Egypt, Which on appearance plateau triangular the shape its base on the sea average north and his head south in region head Mohammed and bay snag from the East and bay Suez and channel Suez from the West And divided Sinai from where Landforms to three main sections are : – oath Southern: and he region bumpy severe hardness composed from mountains Granite towering Height , and up to rise mountain Catherine About 2637 meters above Surface the sea and he higher summit mountainous in Egypt . – oath Middle: and he region plateaus middle or plateau wandering And stoop valleys This is amazing plateau Toward the sea average steeper gradually . – oath North : It is featuring Region confined between the sea average north and plateau wandering south and he phrase on Land flat and area Easy abound In which resources water resulting on rains that descend its waters from heights Southern plateaus Region middle .