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Popular food in Egypt

got engaged most foods famous in Egypt , with habits and ritual An old inherited We used to on her revive it from during Feasts and occasions own , where get up Egyptians work varieties different Same taste private as one Appearances festivities , also get used to tourists Aliens on eat it Once coming off to Egypt in the places Tourist.

Is characterized by dishes Egyptian that it is miscellaneous interesting And the same taste private and its components different and nes between starches and proteins from meat and fish And birds , And while follows The 9 most famous foods Egyptian no Bad from try it when Visit Egypt:


Dish koshari the meal nutritional The complete one which enjoy with taste private And benefit big Because she Contains on ingredients rice And lentils and sauce And onions and accuracy And garlic And hummus , and returns date and continue koshari days Occupation British for Egypt.

Beans And falafel “taameya”

she eaters popular permanent to most the people Egyptian on Limit whether and he the breakfast the official in Egypt chord trolley Beans in corners and lanes Streets , And he loves tourists foreigners Eat Beans from gigs roving in the streets Due for their distinction with preparation Beans with oil warm tastefully distinct In addition to falafel hot fried in the oil.


considered as fatteh from foods Egyptian famous in Feasts festivities, and he Dish newbies the origin, characterized as thick as it is where consists two layers from the rice and bread with The soup and accuracy vinegar garlic, And decorate the plate cut off the meat, And varied recipes this the plate between the meat mutton, and meat cattle, And the trotters or the accelerators, And Al-Akkawi and others from recipes appetite.  


considered as mallow or royalty as Release on her Fatimids from foods popular in Egypt, and returns its history to age pharaonic, where germinated plants mallow on banks Nile, And fired Fatimids on her name royalty Because she She was considered as eaters Kings in that the time, And varied recipes This is amazing eaters appetite in Different Cities and provinces in Egypt, where get up some I cook it with rabbits Which the recipe Months on launch, and some the last bring it with chicken or the meat, In what get up some the other cook it with stock shrimp and fish.


It is considered Fesikh from Months foods in Egypt that linked in a form big ceremonially spring and holidays egyptian, and returns Origin This is amazing eaters to age pharaonic, And it consists this the plate from fish mullet pretzel and dryer in the sun, then placed inside refills from the glass thick and closes on him tightly with a purpose storage, are connected His trip by some fish chimney and salted other like herring sardines, And submit with vinegar And tahini And onions lemon, Preferably Eat it cautiously Because he may be Lead to happening some cases poisoning, with that He is from foods Favorite I have Egyptians especially in Feasts.


trotters And the mumbar

considered as trotters And the mumbar from The most delicious recipes in eater egyptian, where Creates chefs in Egypt when to prepare like This is amazing dishes He describes it Chefs B “ sweets .” meat , ” And done cooked it in shapes many The most delicious Casserole trotters in the oven with onions spices, In what Complete presentation mumbar stuffed to the ground spiced with vegetables And a frying pan until crunch, In addition to some dishes like soup trotters with lemon with fatteh, and dishes liver And the fish and others from candies meat, And she is called restaurants own with my cooking like This is amazing dishes With a scald.