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climate in Egypt

Located Egypt in the corner Northern eastern from continent Africa, And count home for one most important civilizations Main in the East Middle the old, And excel Egypt weather hot And dry summer in Most around country, unless that it He is Wet in delta and on Length coast the sea the White average, no forget Humidity in Cairo during summer, As for with regards for the winter So it will be the weather In which mild with precipitation some rains the climate differently season in Egypt Differs the climate in Egypt from season to another, and be as follows :

Summer :

be season summer in Egypt Intense the heat And be the sun through it incendiary, and range grades the heat through it what between 40 and 50 degrees percentage, and even Regions coastal in Egypt Stay warm during season summer, and be more times heat in Season summer in Period what between Monthly July And September .

Winter :

be wind severe in Egypt during Season winter, But Scarcely what go down degree the heat about 10 degrees percentage, And it gets worse wind mostly in late Month December and during Month January .

Spring :

be the weather during season spring variable in a form permanent, He is in habit He is warm unless that it a favour With his wind strobe that may be lead to for storms sandy, And it goes up grades the heat what between Monthly March and may from this season with a little from humidity .

Autumn :

going down grades the heat in a form marked during Season autumn, especially in end Month September, So it is degree the heat through it in Most the days what Approximately 29 degrees percentage, with Possibility the difference degrees Simple from region for another As for with regards for clothes Occasion which maybe that wearing it the tourist in Egypt during seasons different, She is as follows :

in Season Winter :

Must Wear clothes fall to visit Cairo or Regions desert or regions coast the sea the Red in republic, with keep Jacket light or scarf light, As for in Alexandria He should Wear clothes fall with keep coat protective from rains in reach, as He should Take care on Wear shoes comfortable custom for walking for distances long.

in Season Summer :

Must Wear clothes light and made from fiber natural like cotton and linen Preferably that be Same colors usher in Regions desert, as He prefers Wear hat and glasses Umbrella, Preferably Wear shoes comfortable for walking Preferably that He is lightly with Wear shoes desert comfortable or sandal, As for on coast the sea the White average And in middle Cairo In addition to all what preceded He prefers keep Jacket light in reach for possibility air cold evening.

in Season Autumn :

Must Wear clothes light In addition to Jacket light, Preferably Pregnancy umbrella Umbrella to prospect precipitation rains In addition to hat protective from the sun to prospect to rise heat the sun.

in Season Spring :

Must Wear T-shirts light and pants light during Season spring, In addition to Importance Wear shoes comfortable Dedicated for walking for periods long.